Posts Tagged 'Photography'

new photos

Take a look (also these)

My Exhibiton at Olive Cafe

I’m showing some photos in a galley nearby my flat.  Please come!!


degree show

…. it’s coming sooner than I think.

Sorry its been so long. Ive been busy getting things in shape for the show and havent really been doing much new stuff. There will definitely be photos, some asteroids, a melting iceberg and an appendix, and other stuff to be detirmined. Also, I will be launching my new book of photographs entitled Dedication !!!

Here’s a tiny idea of what it may look like. I’m just working on wall colours/ieas.

I’ll have much more as I begin to finally finish it all up.

p.s. if you’d like to come, the dates are 13-21 June


Some photos I’m printing at the moment. They’re all from late last year, finally printing them bigger.



it seems I’ve been thinking in books lately. here is a spread from something I’m putting together at the moment.


Spreads from a theoretical book

These will give you an idea, though I’m crap at graphic design. The working title is “Dedications.”


From the desk of A. D. Jacobson.